Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Is it the Times? my age? Gallactic Influences? Alien Implants gone screwy? or am i perhaps just crossing over the line into insanity?
Compression, tension, pressure seems to be building. I hear from so many people their experiencing of these states. I feel it myself. People are dying. People are suicidal. People are dosing themselves bigger and bigger on ideas to get them excited, motivated, moving away from whatever it is they are feeling that is apparently not acceptable.
This is difficult, painful, uncomfortable, yet it is what is presenting itself. To do anything but face it is avoidance, denial. This trac is not for the faint of heart. Is it the 'right way' to be? I dont know. I know that experiencing trying to change how I feel, or what is happening has lead to pain. I know that this moment holds everything. And this moment right now appears as compression, tension, and pressure.

A seed dropped from dried flowers head
Enveloped well in damp soils bed
For Fall and Winters Holding Time
'Til Springs Touch does remind
That Sun and warmth does magic bring
Seeds hardened shell to newly sing
Light songs of Springs Softening
To Dance yet again
In this, the Cycle of Life.

Unfolding Life is Mystery.
Revealing only that which is needed NOW.
I get so impatient, scared, excited, enthusiastic, compressed.......etc....etc......etc...........

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Every circumstance person event etc has the alchemical potency to reveal an aspect of ourselves that is coming to consciousness. The mechanisms of the personality are complex. There is no 'one way'. Each moment is to be met freshly.
Today, this moment, provides a glimpse of facets of this complexity.
After years of living a dedicated monk-like life I tentatively explored more social interaction including a brief and powerful experience of the dating consciousness. After meeting with an acquaintance for an extended day of getting to know one another i experienced 'being touched' deeply, in a way I had not ever experienced. Powerful, deep. Having had theses sensations it became so clear that the Mind was immediate in its taking the preciousness of initial Touching and making it into forms, expressions, and meanings that 'fit' in day to day life. The most blatant was that it immediately made it about THAT PERSON.
How can it be that when an experience within is strong and clear that the mind so quickly points to an 'object' appearing as outside ourselves and says 'THAT is the cause of this'. Forever grateful I am to the person who willingly entered into this alchemical potent meeting that also experienced deep activation, but to make it THEM and forget about the Source seems to be missing the point of what Grace provides.
to be continued.......