Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Monday, May 17, 2010

Formation Insight

This is the first draft, a rough draft of the recent Insight and Realization experienced.
This is being developed into a longer writing, as the Realization continues to be embodied.

Please read with All your bodies, allow/invite the mental body to co-operate with ALL that is You.

Mitosis is the process in which the organic structure renews itself. Cells divide, replicating the structure, DNA, function and Purpose. It is estimated that the human body, depending on its size, is made up of approximately 100 trillion cells. The female sex cell, the oocyte, is about 35 microns in diameter, which puts it just on the edge of being visible if you have real good eyes. The male sex cell, spermatozoan, cell is only about 3 microns in diameter, and therefore is the smallest cell of the human body. Various other cell types have various other sizes within this range.

A cell whose receptors hold toxins, or less appropriate elements, minerals, etc., will release those toxins, etc. if the appropriate nutrients are in proximity to the cell membrane, AND easily and naturally absorb the more appropriate nutrients. (Juicy nutritional fact from Jan Yoder, acupuncturist and nutritionist in Vancouver, Washington).

From the above two statements two presumptions have been made;
cell division is happening at all times, and,
cells display an interactive aspect, an inherent ability to choose 'health'.

These aspects of cellular activity of the human body were taken into Inquiry/Meditation/deep Self-Observation where the following observations and experiences arose.

It is 'given' that there is something that causes the formation of physical Life, in this particular case, the human body. 'Something' comes to Life, Life comes to life. Many words and ways of languaging put forth the idea within a manner that 'makes sense'. There has been experience of this essential rising. I will not call it anything in particular at this time.

As Life forms Itself in the cell, and continues its formation via mitosis, the essential 'coming to Life' desire, activity, purpose is passed into every cell created. This formulation stems from observing and investigating the window of cell division that could be referred to as 'Where One becomes the Two'.

Life exists in the originating cell. As does that cells particular structure and purpose. Each cell, when duplicating itself makes another of itself; structure and purpose exact. Skin cells do not make sex cells. The cell also apparently carries with it the impressions of living. It has been said in many ways by many different teachers/teachings that our story, our history, our experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and ancestral patternings are held within the very cells of us.

At the moment of cell division when structure and purpose have been transferred there is a 'gap' a pause, an window where the new cell is pure in its existence; Life in its fullest pure physical formation, structure, function, purpose in place yet nothing of the story, the history, the memory, the identity and identification transferred as yet. It is said that the cell at this point is that of a newborn; pure, vital health. No aging, no history, no limitations.

If, at this very moment, the new cell is surrounded with the atmosphere of expanded consciousness, beyond the limitations of the material perspective, the new cell will release any of the potential continuation of the story, history, habit, identification, and, due to its ability to absorb the more accurate within its atmosphere it will fully absorb the more pure authentic nutrients of expanded consciousness.

This moment, Where the One becomes the Two, this Moment, THIS NOWness is a choice point. A place where the individual, in dedicating themselves to the expansion of consciousness from the limited, relative, material world to that which is all inclusive is transformative. Transformative in the practice itself of honing the atmosphere surrounding the cells, AND transformative as the new cells are formed without the limitations previously also held in the cell membrane.

It is suggested that as one is going to sleep at night to celebrate the arrival of these new pure cells, to increase the Awareness in the atmosphere of the consciousness of the body.

In working with this via Inquiry, Meditation, and varied daily practices I am expereiencing a tremendous alteration in the experience of life; renewed physical energy and appropriate weight loss, fresh open perspective toward life, deeply rooted happiness.

But please, don't take my word for it. check it out, try it out, investigate it. And let me know how it is for You!

Just think.... 100 trillion cells dividing.... so many choice points!

Thank you for reading.
Many blessings in this ongoing Unfolding!
In Love,