Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Friday, November 28, 2008

Call me Grampa Sunny!

Meet Jackson Robert Ragona!!!! (see slideshow to the right)
Bless Joy Boy II arrived safe and sound
Nov 27 3:43 am Bellevue, WA
7# 3oz., 19" long
all parts are present and accounted for!

Precious to be in the room with the already strong bond of Mom, Dad, and Baby.
Driving home tonight I found myself driving slower than usual.
"Hey, I am a Grampa, I am wearing a hat, I can drive as slow as is feasibly safe!!!"

What weird things we carry in our heads!!

In awe of Life
in Heartbreak for opening to Life more and more and more,
such a big powerful Heart-opener in such a small package!!!
and so Life goes, one leaves, another arrives.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ongoing Realizations......

The Mind so wants to say, "Got it!", "I understand!".
God Bless the Mind, eh!

Thought arises, ideas come and go.
Rather than acting, bring them fully to the raised platform of the Heart. Then in full collaboration with Spirit and Soul, offer the direction/idea from the Heart (not the mind from where it sprang in the first place).

This can be useful when the Mind is over active.
Of course, when the mind is over active it will take over EVERY thing!

Whats being attempted as an offering here is the strengthening of the partnership of Mind and Heart.
Mind isnt the 'Bad Guy', its very undisciplined.
When we have a relationship with the Heart, when there is awareness of the Heart, then it becomes an active partner. It is essential for the Heart to be actively present in order for further development.

I look forward to having face to face conversations with others regarding this Journey!! Let me know what you experience, and your perspectives!

until then,

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Ocean......

"...refuses no river."

High tide has been a wash these past days. Tsunamis welcomed, embraced, dissolved, and wash again.
There can be words that express the process, the experience, and none come close to what IS.

For anyone who is on this Path; growing, opening, dissolving........ God Bless You!!!!

Never ever ever never ever EVER give up!

unless of course there is the giving up of anything that maintains the illusion of there being a 'you' that is not already full of Source/God/Existence.

The old 'owies', the ways we have become due to the 'owies' and how we enveloped ourselves around the 'owie' and the story about the 'owie', all gets to go. What a relief, eh!!!!!!

So let it go, stop all the thinking that says anything about 'you'. Stop.
Let the FACT of what you are flow fully.




Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Heart Wisdom moves.......

Bring the Heart Wisdom into the mind, through the Mind, refreshed through the Heart, through the body, like warm molasses, it soothes its way through all aspects. As the Flow continues, it also gently expands outward to include what is near, then to include what is further, until there is no 'here' or 'there' to be included.

This Heart Wisdom resides quietly in all Life form, awaiting your call. No Mind is needed to call it, no Mind is needed to receive it, no Mind is needed to embody this Wisdom. Feel Life breathing the physical form and experience the guiding whispers of the Wisdom.

Meet everything from that breath. Life through that Breath. Nothing else is needed.

Monday, November 10, 2008


No matter where the Road may lead,
No matter how the Road may seem,
No matter what the Road may do,

Just Come, Love is Here
Just Come, Love is Here
Just Come.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Once touched
I want no Other
This Love is All
Absolute, Final.

Now the Affair begins
In Moment-to-Moments Grace
to find You
in Every Face.