Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Thursday, February 26, 2009

This precious Life.....

Long ago a friend made the comment to me,
"Planet Earth is for Slow Learners."
Hearing that, I finally felt as though I actually belonged here!

Blossoming within continues, a simple clarity. If Life is the Garden then this that is beginning to grow is more like the Asparagus plant rather than radish. Slow to germinate and slower to offer harvest. and yes, always well worth the wait!!

Most immediately there is Gratitude for all my Teachers who have tilled this Soil; each in their own way a very powerful transformative force, delivering the alchemical catalyst for Growth. Without the direct transmission, no-holds-barred, shoot-from-the-hip, profoundly Loving Guidance there would be no 'blog', no physical 'Sunny', and no Flow through this portal!
Gratitude barely comes close to the depth of indebtedness, credit, acknowledgment, and Heartfelt tears of Love.

The only thing that we as humans are called to 'do' is to turn our attention, our energy, our acknowledgment, our awareness to that which the Essence of who and what we are. The names are varied, and all applicable: Source, God, Higher Self, Allah, Buddha. The list could go on, but you get the point. It is not whether or not we are a 'this' or a 'that', it is that we turn ourselves fully to the 'this' or the 'that' !!!! Simple as that!!! or this!!!!!

This breath enters the physical body.
No mistake breath comes to the lungs
these receiving hands
that wrap around my Heart.
This breath, is G-d breathing,
Breathing this Body.
Breathing Life into Form
G-d BreathHands, these Lungs are.
Lungs receive the breath of G-d,
And Offer this Gift to Heart,
For Heart to Meet,
And receive G-d Breath.
This G-d Team; Lungs and Heart
Transforming G-d
into Life-Filled Blood
Pumped though this body
in the Rhythm of Life
Breathed, and Breathing.
G-d Breath in,
Feeding and Fueling this body
With the Body of The Christ.
Apex of inhale,
All Old is handed back
Offered up to G-d
Fully Giving
For Giving
Forgiven on the Exhale.

And so the Dance truly begins
And continues.
The Divine Three Step,
For All Ways
For Ever.
Let the music begin,
this Drunkard shall dance on the tables
And Waltz through the Fields
Sipping on the Nectar
Drinking Freely from the Wineskins
Of G-d's Precious Christ.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Take me to the River.....

This next round of willingness to allow myself to come to Self is a voluntary melting of the dam of separation. Sitting, just sitting, no technique, no purpose, no intention. Just sitting for the simplicity of sitting. and immediately arises is the childlike wonder of Presence!
So many aspects of this Unfolding, it is difficult to formulate in a manner that may make any sense! Sense to whom? DO I wish to make sense to your Mind? No. I do not wish to make sense to your Mind. I wish to make sense to that in You that resonates with the All Inclusive Presence of Existence, Life Itself. Your Soul.
I live in the city.
I have tried to live in the city in the past but always found myself in some state of overwhelm.
Now, I live in the city. And thrive.
Is the thriving due to living in the city? because of the city? I dont think so.
The base of reference is so much broader that there is nothing to tip away from.
All of what is here is so clearly Life, Life manifesting. Thats it. Downright Joyfull! Are the circumstances in the particulars joyfull? No, they are everything; happy, sad, devious, loving, numb, expanded. Life. Manifesting. Life existing in the physical earthly plane.

While sitting this morning, the sensation of sitting on a river bank, tossing in pebbles of what is willing to be let go of. Then the question comes, why not throw it ALL in? and the River and I become one. Washing, churning, flooding, oozing, flowing, Flowing Flowing, and there is breath, and there is pulse, and there is Flow.
THe thought comes, 'oh, maybe I better get ready for work?' and it is recognized as the mind thinking. the River Flows. Then the surge of wash lifts and urges, "Time to Flow out into the world." And I KNOW its time to get ready for work!!! Trusting the guidance of this inner flow, this is what Gert told me about so many years ago, so many years ago she told me over and over and over again, "when its time to address something the way to address it will be right there IN you!'.
IN Gratitude.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Infinite trails of Infinite training......

Busking for God

You called me
Begged me to Sing
Extracted from me
Total Devotion to You
Fed only by Singing
Praise of Your Touch
Then You demanded
I burn away every Song
And forget it all
But the Devotion to You
And when the song arises
To stay with You
And You alone
No matter how inviting
The Harmonies of the song.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

HA! The jokes on me!!!!

okay, so Planet Earth is for S L O W Learners.....
and the mind does ever go to sleep!
as evidenced by its constant activity and excitement last night, throughout the whole night. Knowing full well my intention was to get up early (which I did), and to 'catch' the mind before it got active, (which i didnt) it would wake me up,
"Now?" (12:45 am)
"How about NOW?" (2:23 am)
"ah NOW!!!!" (4:12 am)
and when the alarm went off,
"hhhm, no, I'm sleepy, gotta zzz resstzzzzz" (5:01am)
"UP! YOU!!!! NOW!!!!!! No regrets to day for breaking this agreement!!! UP!!!"

Funny thing, sitting in stillness, mind was still, and when it wasnt, it was not trouble.
sitting with all that Is
makes all that Is
No Matter What!!

What a trip it is to be Human.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Renewal of Dedication.....

This Full Moon I renew willingness, dedication, and faith.
The exercise given is to rise at 5 am every morning, before the mental body activates and sit in meditation fully giving over EVERYthing to God. Every thing. a prayer to cleanse this conduit, to free all the tangles big and small, to freshly wash the insides of this form; physical, mental, emotional, so Soul, Spirit, God can move freely.
Knowing how powerful it is to meditate with others, and living right now where I sit alone, I am working on a drawing for a painting/panel that is the rest of my circle; in meditation, washed in Light, full of Grace and Unity for my altar. Then as I sit and meditate there will be my circle in which I am but one of the One. One of the many, All of the One.

God has grabbed me again, claimed full refuge within this HeartSkin and taken over. Hallalujah!!!
Let this Tsunami of Inspiration rise and wash everything clean; once, and for All!!!