Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Listening........ an art.

Today, walking along streets totally unfamiliar, I passed a Care Facility (in the olden days NURSING HOME).
I kept walking.
There was the tiniest of whispers, "Go visit."
In a much more loud and familiar voice, "I dont know anyone there, I dont have the slightest idea of how to get in. What would I do? What do I have to offer?"

Where did that whisper come from? Certainly not my own ideas of how to be in the world. Certainly not from some assignment by a teacher (eheheh).
But it came.
When the recognition of the FACT the thought came outside of my own thinking, it became 'guidance'.
So I found the front door.
I walked in, a ringing dinging bell announcing the arrival of someone.
Immediately I was met by the receptionist, "yes, sir, may I help you?'
"I was wondering if there is someone here who would like a visit? I have worked in the past as Activity Director, I know visitors are rare."
"I cant think of anyone of hand. Thanks for coming by."
Walking down the driveway, I wondered about the direction to go in and realized yet again, it is not about the outcome, it is not about 'doing' something. It is time and time again about following directions.
I also saw that I did not offer to play the piano.
Goofish me, to not offer the atmosphere of contemplative connection with that which is All of Life.

And so the Journey continues, continually deepening this experiencing of Life working with the guideline of;
Do what I am Told

With much gratitude for the community with which I share this precious Journey!
Sunny Sundaram

The Joy of Life

A quiet seed
Gentle rain
Soft Light
Its God Again

In every face
in all the 'I's
with every voice
no surprise

The breath of Now
this moments Life
dissolves the veil
tween Love and Strife

Precious few
and every one
all flowing deep
within the One

Daring to Show up.......

This week Portland is the territory in which to meet the Divine.
Having lived here years and years ago, it is also the place to meet old history and some past messes!

The guideline for each town or city visited on the Journey has been,
"what is needed to feel complete with this location?"
For two days a quiet yet persistent niggle has vibrated in belly region.
Doing an errand to day took me to the old neighborhood. With one household in particular I have carried some long time heart ache regarding incomplete, sad interactions and departure.
"Maybe I'll drive by and see if I can find the house."
Bingo! there is the house!
"hmm, I'll park on the street and reflect on the events."
Oh, something else is needed. Reflection for years leads to feeling sad, some guilt, some shame.
"ok, I'll go to the door."
You dont know what to say??!!
They have a right to shut the door in your face!!!
Leave well enough alone, for the gods sake!!!
{{{ by this time I am truly shaking in my boots.
It would be 'easy' to turn around and walk away}}}
Now I am walking up the steps onto the porch,
"i'll knock and maybe no one is home."
{{there is a doorbell ringer right there, RING IT!!}}}}
I press the door bell, heart pounding, belly tight, foot steps coming, me full of fright!
"HI, I am here to make some amends to you."
{...........L O N G ..........PA U S E .............}, "Sunny?!?"

We talked for a half hour, it didnt take long.
Two people willing to 'show up', to be with what was happening right then.
I left feeling Free, and humble.

Showing up, no planning, no concepts or agenda. Showing up, here, NOW.
This is the pathway, the portal that will bring us to what is Real RIGHT NOW.

We ARE the Ones We are Waiting For.

You are cordially invited to show up to the rest of your Life, one moment at a time.
Please RSVP!!!!

Love Being, Being Love,

Sunny Sundaram

Sunday, July 27, 2008

no where to 'go'.....

Moments pass, the view varies, the companionship alters, the Light of day shifts subtly to the Glow of night. and nothing changes! Each moment enlivened by Presence. each connection embraced by the simple existence of All that Is.

How can it be that the 'I' that thought it was, simply ....dissolves into nothingness/ No Thing Ness?
This that used to be hidden is now revealed,
this that used to hide now shines,
this that thought it was,
is not!
and Life, this Isness
is left
looking at itself,

The human aspect; call it mind, ego, personality
just as it is suppose to be, goes about its activity and expression, clueless or not, Life happens via the human form. No 'right' or 'wrong', it is Life being active in the field of form!

oh, Happy Day
for the Grace
of Life

Sweet Dreams,
Sunny Sundaram

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Vibrating the Web

'Friendship', that delicious territory of connection that requires nothing, gives so much, and is enlivened by interaction is sweetened by the simplest activity; eye contact, listening, sharing. AAAH, the preciousness of coming ot these dear friends after years of Life elsewhere and finding that 'no time' has passed. The laughter, the joy, the tears, the shared moments of Life and how it effects us is such a gift!

Traveling north, visiting family, friends, Heart-family, I am enriched and amazed by the repeated recognition of how Life has chosen to manifest in all these forms, attitudes, views, perspectives and opinions! How often have we gotten 'caught' by our experience of someone having a different opinion or perspective or attitude and 'thought' that was important?

It is not easy to find the words to express this awakening of something that sees all of Life as just that; All of Life. It is simple, it is unnameable, it is rich, it is full of ease, it is fearless.

This is precious, this Journey of Oneness, experiencing Stillness on the Move. The one called Sunny is dissolving into the One we all are.

May we all remember......

Sunny/ Sundaram

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What is 'memory'?

Spending time two days in a row with cousins with whom I have spent little time in this life. In the conversation, the shared time, there is some underlying vibration of connection that resounds deeply. Fascinating.
As I sat with Cousin Kat, repeatedly seeing glimpses of expression and body language that recalled familiarity, recognition, resonance. We had seen one another perhaps a dozen or so times in our childhood; brief, yet apparent significant visits til we were 12 years old. She, 3 months older than I, felt the quake of the immediate and permanent separation that descended upon our childhood lives unexpectedly as I did; to the core.
For years we had no idea where the other was, until only 1 year and half ago when we (7 cousins total) from 4 different disconnected realms of lives) found one another and began reconnecting.
Experiencing the time together yesterday was a continual thread of connection. This called Sunny was meeting an aspect of Self; eye to eye, Heart to Heart, and welcoming the meeting. The longing that had been identified as 'missing' the cousin, was met in the moments of connecting to the Essential Being embodied in Cousin!
And so the Journey continues......
Being Love,
Love Being,

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tracks and Roots

There are many avenues in which we can yet again meet ourselves; though our own minds idea of who we are, through the eyes of friends and family, and through experiencing the experience.
DAY 3, 4, 5 have been rich in the realm of remaining Still in the activity of being with family. Such precious meeting has enriched my life, deepening the knowledge that regardless of the history of this individual life, there is a a broad avenue of connection available fertile in the Now.

'Family', that powerful word has evoked a multitude of 'states' in me over the years. Presently though it is an open door, inviting in the sweetest of connection- perhaps in spite of the past, or perhaps due to the shared pasts- I am traveling into the realms of weaving new to my Heart, and so familiar the hunger for it finally being sated!

Sister, nephew, cousins; aaaaah! We each carry some familiar genetic wiring that mirrors to one another the same DNA step ladder; a blessing and a curse- old ways says don't walk under the ladder, its unlucky, and new ways suggest to utilize the ladder to step up to another plane, another realm, another level. The view is wider, the light a bit brighter.

The weaving continues today. My cousin Kathy and I meet for the 'first' time as adults. Last seen 47 years ago, we both are excited, anxious, wondering, curious, and yes, hungry for the connecting and how it may fill in some gaps in the history of our family.

Time and time again, experience confirms the fact that when there is simply 'being with' whatever the experience, there is a richness available that is at the core of this hunger in me. And in that rich terrain of being/Being I meet mySelf.

And the journey continues.

until next time, this is Sunny McHale reporting LIVE/LIFE from The Road.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Sojourn Begins.....

Day 1 Departure,
A wondrous image; we are all in a caravan, going to the same place, driving a many-laned Freeway. This moving to Seattle area is merely a changing of lanes. No 'leaving'.

Day 2 of this Journey,
Awareness sees itself in all of Life. There is no NOT Seeing.
Yesterday coming out of the Tuba City gas station store, there was a large pool of fluid beneath this vehicle that is new to me. Sunny sees it, "oh, look." NO reaction, no nothing other than seeing the physical manifestation of liquid beneath the car. Check the liquid, its water. Open the hood, everything looks fine. Go down the street two driveways, ask the mechanic, who says "Its normal condensation from your air conditioning." I am back on the road. Being with what arises, responding as is needed without reactivity. What a blessing.

Flagstaff, dinner and evening with KC. Beautiful conversation. Dissolving the structure of 'belief', revealing experience of the physical body as it becomes more a vehicle for the Soul to experience Itself in physical form. Inviting, investigating, exploring, Knowing.

I show small prints of the paintings completed thus far to several store owners. They all respond openly. I do not ask for contact, or selling in their store. I know where they are suppose to be will be apparent and offered. Like at Dragonfly book Garden in Durango, clearly stated, "these cards must be in the store."
So be it.

This trip, though orchestrated by 'me', is a journey for all of us who desire a Road Trip of openness and opening. I write accordingly.