Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Vibrational Energetics

As people continue to come to the Table, I am being guided more and more to assist their connecting with their True Nature via the physical Body. Having been trained in many forms of Bodywork, and in many more forms of Energy Work, there is an integration of all of it and a growth of something from that union. I have been instructed to call this work Vibrational Energetics.
With multiple components, Vibrational Energetics meets the physical body initially via the nervous system, and upon meeting establishes a cooperative dialog in which vitality, wisdom, integration, and release occur concurrently with dynamic guidance, and education.
Powerful, painless, profound, and efficient, Vibrational Energetics can be provided easily, no need for tools, equipment, or disrobing. Comfortable, deeply relaxing, and energizing, Vibrational Energetics supports each person in learning how to support the Next Step.

This modality of support is a timely gift being offered to all who are interested. House Gatherings, private sessions, indoors or outdoors, all that is needed is a comfortable place to sit or lie down.

When interest arises, call or write to schedule your sessions.
Private sessions (discounts for sponsoring multiple sessions in your home or office)
Group sessions
Individual and group trainings
Phone sessions
Distance sessions upon completion of module I

email, call for scheduling.

Strip away....

Strip away these unnecessary cloaks
Take away all that keeps me from You
No matter that I may scream and cry
it is only fear that keeps me
from rejoicing in this Divine Takeover

Take away these silly glasses
that I may Truly See
Weary as I am I bend to my Desire
to be your servant, your messenger

You are the Wind
Make me a Mast
Strip away the tears
the veils
the cloaks

Take this Fear
Take it NOW
and NOW
and NOW
it is of no Use Here

Physical belongings have become burdensome
Even if the future includes a home
what is kept now has nothing to do with NOW
So it goes, so it goes.
Leaping Off the Cliff
into the arms of the Wind

Peeling away the layers of 'stuff'
So many good ideas
So many talents in this form
I offer the talents in raw form
no longer harbouring supplies
Letting it all go
This Moment has everything that is Needed.
SO Be It
and So it Is.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Taking this moment
to welcome Life
washing through this form
gently trans-forming this 'me'
to express and manifest
that which is True
and THAT alone
Surrendering to the Pulse of Now
Surrendering to ALL that Is
Gratitude abounds in every cell
Joyous Presence residing

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Who are You?

Stop trying.
Stop looking.
Stop thinking.
In the whisper of 'Stop'
there You are.
Stop frequently enough
and You are with me
All Ways
Stop Frequently enough
and all the trying,
all the looking,
all the thinking
is washed over and
over again
with You.
No longer a 'me' trying,
No longer a 'me' looking,
No longer a 'me' thinking.
Only You.
No more trying.
Only You Looking.
Only You Thinking.
Only You.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Use Me.....

Use Me Dear Mother
Use me to bring Your Heart
Like a warm Blanket
wrapping Your Children
In Love unwavering.

Use Me Dear Father
Use Me to bring Your Heart
Like a Sunlit meadow
basking Your Children
In Love unwavering

Use Me Dear Life
Use Me to Be Your Heart
Love Everlasting
Washing All Children
In Love unwavering

Laying down all burdens
Moment after moment
I surrender this Shell
I evict my self
And Return Home
Take the Keys
Remodel this abode
in all fashion necessary
Love and Love Alone
is my LandLord

Friday, June 12, 2009


Say 'Yes'.
Feel its vibration in your body.
Say 'Yes!' and breathe it in.
Say 'Yes' with all your Heart
And Listen to the Echo
ReSounding in every cell
Say 'Yes'.
Now say 'No'.
Feel it in your body.
Note the difference.
Say 'Yes'
Say 'Yes' again
and again
Everything that happens begins with 'Yes'
and the cornerstone of anything that will grow or continue
is 'Yes!'
Say 'Yes'
KNOW you are saying 'Yes'.
Know it with all your Heart
Say 'Yes'
What follows is not our business
For with 'Yes' all is Done.
Say 'Yes'.
Say 'Yes' to NOW.
Say 'Yes' to This Moment.
Give your Life a big 'Yes!'
And allow the Flow of 'YES!'
to Wash you clean of all the No's

Just say 'Yes!'

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Willing to F*@k up.....

You asked me for Gentle
It is a Fine place, 'gentle'
with many many faces.
Not all expressions 'match' in the moment.
Seeing that,
I have mined the territory
seeking UNDER standing
beneath the 'idea',
the word,
the cry for sweetness
in the face of vulnerable 'ouch'
in all its tone.

I would not have looked so deeply
had you not requested from
The midst of your Heart

And what I have found is a Love for you
so precious
and a sadness i have 'failed' to deliver accurately
something needed
and something so desired to be given
and under all of that I find
my willingness to 'goof'
and still remain with you
remain through it all
no matter how many times
I offer what i have
and its not a 'match'
I remain
For you
with You
in all my humanness
in all my g-dness
in all my wonder
of the matrix
of Deep Friendship
I remain
for You

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Buffet of THIS.....

I'm singing Hallalujah
in a quiet sort of Way
This Precious Heart is pulsing
Unfolding a simple day.

All the compressed cooking
Has brought me to my knees
Praying to be taken
in whatever way would please (G-d).

The chorus of the song
has a punch line oh so funny
All the reaching OUT
brought me home to 'Sunny'!

Now, That I Am Here
Nothing seems to matter
The Old Way sheds a tear
Delusions all can shatter

For nothing is more important
than the presence of this NOW
and nothing else is cooking
but a Hallalulic NOW!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Today, the Sun Shines......

Choice points of recognition
Come and go
Recognition remains
All Ways
This, This very 'stuff'
of which Life is made
IS allways and everywhere
Nothing to gain, or grasp
Or 'learn' from another
It is recognition
Decision (NOT from Mind)
And a shift
Nothing else to do, but
Realize what is HERE