Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Meeting Ney

The sound haunts my Soul
Beckoning me to dissolve in the Tone
Never before have I picked up a musical instrument and not been able to play SOMEthing
gratefully, not so with this one.
This one requires the kiss
that can come from no where but God breath
Again and again 'i' dissolve
not diminish
not expand
Being Breath
and every so often
there comes a Tone
that is fresh
and True

Mind immediately examines how did that happen?!
Mimic the body,
the breath,
and nothing
but air escaping from pursed lips
close my eyes
allow the softest kiss
to arise from these lips
releasing all tension
Allow this devotion
to Be the Breath
May this Form
Allow Breath to sing
through the simplicity of Ney
May this Devotion purify
in the simplicity of a Kiss.
And be Kissed in Return.