Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day Vigil

As I sit with my friend, and landmate during this pre-active dying process there is a continual reminder of the paradox of Life and Death. The frequency of the atmosphere is getting finer and finer as he shifts. Most commonly called 'Hallucination', it appears more as a housecleaning, and releasing of the Old that is inhibiting the transition from Earthly body to Vastness of Being.
Just as everyone lives their life in their own uniqueness, so too our dying is done. Without agenda other than to be Comfort in Moment to Moment Presence, there is the underlying beauty of this Vigil atmosphere.
The death of a loved one rips open; gods hand demanding complete residence. Yet, there first is the railing of 'How can there be a God who does this?'. All must pass through these portals to Meet our Truths.
There is the depth of neutrality here, the human condition allows for grief and loss, the Spirit Knows what resides Here always. This Heart is the Heart of all now. There is no individual attachment found in these moments that imply 'loss'.

Blessings to all who travel the path of Being With.

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