Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Turning Times of Seasonal Shift

Birth of second grandson, James Samuel, and the Cancer Dance Journey of Landmate, Kenny brings to the foreground the impermanence of this we call Life. Recently there have been reminders of the fact that if all particulate matter was brought together, all space removed, it would amount to the size of a pea.

The profoundly brilliant capability of the mind to manufacture in such detail the existence of what is perceived is continually amazing. And that it can imagine the Universe, the particles, the space, and the pea. oh yeah, and the human! All concepts of the mind.

Humans exist because they exist in the mind, not only the individual mind but the cultural mind, the earthly mind, the mind of mass consciousness. One can be ignorant of that fact, or one can become aware of that fact.

Who wants to know this fact that will eradicate ones existence? Who wants to unravel the multidimensional threads of the tapestry of our existence? Only a Fool I suppose. To what purpose does this Knowing serve?

Building over the last several decades has been an increase in sensing an impending big shift or change coming. Every religion, philosophy, spiritual path has explanations and answers, each with its own validation of its particularity of Rightness.
Perhaps the impending change is that all will come to know what the movie THE MATRIX has revealed, its a program running, and we are running with it. But what the movie doesn't reveal, or at least that I can recall, is that there is nothing on the other side of the program, nothing as an option, no-thing, nothing.
Even as i type this the constructs of my own existence rattle and rail at the possibility that all the efforting, growth, deep introspection, and plum hard life stuff has no 'value', no substance, no purpose. Perhaps only to hone the system of constructs called 'Sunny' to be relatively receptive to the fact that IT doesn't exist!

There is enough knowing here to know IT doesnt exist, and, although there still is much participation in the human scenario, there never leaves the consciousness that what is happening or appearing to happen is not THAT, the Real, the Vast Nothingness.
There seems to be honing of a kindness, a gentleness toward others as they are fully engaged in the appearances. No longer driven by the urgency that kept Sunny seeking to Know, now 'Sunny' Knows, and knows it is Known. Nothing more to do. Each interaction will reflect its particularity of engagement, and be responded to in a kind manner. It is not anyone's 'job' to blow open anyone and everyone's perception, unless, of course, if they ask. Even then they are only asking from the conceptual minds view.

In the realm of no-thought, no existence, Existence Exists.
In the realm of Realization there is separation, for if there is something realizing something then there only can be a something previously not realized. It does point to a directional movement of Existence Realizing Itself, and yet it may too be realizing itself just as fully as an active member of mass consciousness fully imbibing in the delusion and distortion of Human experience.

In Kirkland, Washington there is a week old baby boy whom I have not yet met, who is a part of the lineage passing through this one called 'Sunny'. To what degree there will be participation in his life is unknown at this time, as are many relationship interactions, no longer known or planned. The Unfolding of each moment now gives ground for the Realization of All that Is, Here, Now. Nothing more than what is Here.
Here in the recliner a few feet away is my friend, Kenny, sleeping, resting, as the body goes through its attempts to claim and own Life. Again no longer known or planned. Moment by Moment, Life Is.

All my life there has been a tenacious striving for the elusive knowing of what wasn't known. The drive was visceral. Others have used many words to describe their perceptions and interpretation of ITs expression. IT is gone now, as is remnants of the particularities of 'Sunny'. Yes, the name still turns my head, answers, gets me through the airport security system, but no longer filled with a desire to Know. The old Habit Body, the Pain Body, the concentrations of limited view have less and less momentum, they have become less effectual.

New eyes
New Life
New Mind
Awaits the Moments Arrival
Being No-thing More.

Blessings in the Experience of Life and how it Dances You!

1 comment:

  1. As This, wherein nothing is, nothing ever happens, arises awareness - it's the nature of awareness to be aware of ... purity of the Absolute unnameable, unknowable, beyond existence yet Here. A clarity that is luminous within the deep fathomless dark of no-thing-ness. Differentiations, inner divisions of the indivisible occur only as Self-knowing arises - as awareness knowing itself - and light dawns as knowing Love, boundless goodness with subtle differentiations of sublime qualities Truth, Joy, Beauty, Brilliance, Will, Power...
    This now essential Presence of qualities reveals Itself as Life, essential Aliveness making manifest in ecstatic raptures of Self-knowing Being. We, this preciousness of Human conscious aliveness, get to come out of the shadowy unconsciousness of this spectacular evolving play, and dance the realization dance to the tune of, "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you." as the Love within comes alive and awake enough to say, "yes, I would love to know what is true and real about being." The universal child seeks the nurturing and guidance of the Presence, and matures into the Lover of the Beloved, and in endless realization coming rapturously Home again and again, Beloved I Am, Only This Is- no-thing at all, and yet I live, yet not I, Unity Consciousness liveth, and this we celebrate in this season of the return of Light, ever-dawning fresh and new. We acknowledge the arrivals and departures in the transit lounge, and participate and contribute as Self loving Itself in Truth as moments arise and depart, and we remain happily Home, awake to all this spectacular nothing happening in mind's eye, heart, body, consciousness. WOW!
