Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Old Fabrics Weave.....

Peeling beck, peeling away
the Old beliefs have had their way with this Life.
Just last night revealed a core place of limitation.
An old Life threatening childhood event of fear and terror.
Elements of it still effect my choices
A new voice is rising;
I deserve quality mature love
I deserve to be listened to
I deserve to be engaged with intimacy in all its forms.
I deserve to Give freely and fully without fear
I deserve to Trust
I deserve to know when trust is not wise
I deserve Life.

Here's to 2011!

1 comment:

  1. So dear to know what IS is deserved! :) As we heal the rifts in our fabric of oneness and actual unaminity with one another through the recognition of our essential Unity, we come to know our Oneness with one another. As the fibers reconnect in Love, acceptance, conscious kindness and care and intimacy within naturally extends to intimacy throughout all Being with one another, we discover creatively each moment we are This unfolding together as a single multifaceted being of essential synthesized unaminity (my new word of the day). Happy new moon, partial solar eclipse, and newness of every moment fully alive!
    When we have basic trust we are unaminmously unified and are realized. So in our exploration of trust, what are the elements of "knowing when trust is not wise?" This we must all discover, how is it we learn this? What is being trusted or not trusted - is it not the "other?" What happens when there is no other? Do we offer our trust conditionally when the other is perceived as ... what? Something we have learned about the duality of self/other in this world of experience that has left deep and lasting and profoundly painful impressions of self/other. When we "deserve to know when trust is not wise" we deserve to know what is Real and True even more deeply with one another.

    There is nothing more powerful than the binding force of Love in essential unaminity - we are a majority of One in truth. When we face the violence of separation in our world informed by the total basic trust of our true nature, we compassionately meet all the faces of pain with the embodied knowing of our Oneness. We trust This in one another, which, despite appearances, is never unconscious. We entrain the (other) Self unto Unity with Itself with us, and the truth is known throughout the Unified Field.

    So we begin where we are in this beautiful discovery of deserving: deserving to know the basic Goodness of all Life inclusive of every single Allness. Let all the new voices arise in triumph: we ARE THIS, ALL IS THIS as we are right now! Realizing what hampers our ability to trust is conditioning of humanity we learned, and that conditioning is powerless before the Truth Of Unity in Presence, Oneness among us all as This unfolding. We learn to abide Here and Now, allowing our systems to become stationed in This that is Real, and the pain and suffering of the insanity of enacted separation disappears along with the wounds and scars. We find the old fabric wears away and we are Home free, naked and with innocence restored, we relax into the weavings of Unity. YAY!
    Thanks for the opportunity of this expression and for your stunning explorations which you share with us here.
