Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Angels answer........

Standing in line at the Licensing Office to get my drivers license this morning, I had some conversation with St. Michael. Part of this conversation was internal as a result of reading from the Pocket Reader Tibetan Buddhism, from Shambhala Press ( I LOVE these little books!), and part of it was from conversation with a local gent.
Investigation continues as to where disconnect from Self activates, and the ongoing awareness that the outer experience is a shadow of the inner experience, this mornings waiting in line was a good opportunity to be with the sensations of the Body, the activity of the Mind, and the arising of Heart.
The compression that is bubbling through is amazing. In the physical realm there is compression of the density and movement of people. Mind is, hmmm, teetering, yes, thats a good description right now. Teetering back and forth, to and fro. HA! Like the blow up clown with the heavy weight in the bottom that a child might punch and hit and it pops back to center... mostly! Riding that Bobble is honing something that is being strengthened and softened simultaneously. Seeing it, not going with it, being with it, remembering over and over it is not real.
I am aware of the formula; thought -> feeling -> action/behavior, watching the thoughts come and go, watching how quickly the Mind informs the Feelings, and the body so quickly and willingly responds. And not 'going with it'.

This is the ride I am on for these days, walking in Two Worlds. My prayer could be distilled to:
"where's my peeps!??!"
"Show me where you want me!!"

So conversation with St. Michael invited increasing posture of receptivity, remembering, and re-remembering this Moment is what IS, shifting my weight slightly side to side, bring the Body into view. This activity softened the Heart.
Turning to the gent in line next to me, "Good morning."
A smile that lit up, eyes twinkling, "Well, good morning to you Sir!"
Aaaah, connection with this other manifestation of Life. Thank you!

We chatted about the process of moving. He reminded me to not complain of the weather, it will lead to complaining about the weather, then one is complaining, and miserable. Better to not complain, he says. I needed THAT reminder! Gave me something to work with as Winter comes.
Business completed there, leaving the building I thank him for his conversation and wisdom. The handshake is firm, and warm. Welcoming.

Finding the library down the street I set up laptop at a large table and go online. A young man soon sits down with laptop.
"Is that a crescent moon tattooed on your wrist?" his eyes lit up.
"Yes, a reminder of the much needed Goddess presence. More now than ever, doncha think?"
"yes!!!", he says,"!Oh, we are few and far between here on the Eastside, good to meet you. I my self am a Celtic Warrior."
Lifting his shirt he reveals a beautiful and finely done Celtic cross in Celtic Green centered over his heart.
"Where does one find others here?" Michael's warm hand rests calmly on my left shoulder.
"aah, there's a shop. I cant remember the name, but I can draw you a map, and they can lead you to what is needed."
Map in hand, my email addy in his, I sit here. Eased, stunned, softened tears of release and relief.
Michaels hand remains, as he gently steps to the background, always supportive to allow whatever experience is chosen.

This terrain in which I am traveling is far more than I can comprehend. I can only report from moment to moment.
With Gratitude for the Internet, and the form in which I can paradoxically be in deep privacy, in the middle of a mall, talking to I Dont Know Who, revealing this Journey, revealing my Self to myself. Safe, vulnerable. Precious.

Humbly yours,
Sunny Sundaram

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