Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Monday, February 9, 2009

Renewal of Dedication.....

This Full Moon I renew willingness, dedication, and faith.
The exercise given is to rise at 5 am every morning, before the mental body activates and sit in meditation fully giving over EVERYthing to God. Every thing. a prayer to cleanse this conduit, to free all the tangles big and small, to freshly wash the insides of this form; physical, mental, emotional, so Soul, Spirit, God can move freely.
Knowing how powerful it is to meditate with others, and living right now where I sit alone, I am working on a drawing for a painting/panel that is the rest of my circle; in meditation, washed in Light, full of Grace and Unity for my altar. Then as I sit and meditate there will be my circle in which I am but one of the One. One of the many, All of the One.

God has grabbed me again, claimed full refuge within this HeartSkin and taken over. Hallalujah!!!
Let this Tsunami of Inspiration rise and wash everything clean; once, and for All!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good on ya for getting up so early for such an awesome deed.
