Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Grassroots Sprouting

As the United States Presidential campaign and election moves quickly toward Inauguration our role as members of this society also changes. The campaign coaxed us out of a long trance-like state, from the possibility to the probability of change and of Hope. Clearly stated at the polls, we embrace the possibility of again becoming a nation of compassion, intelligence, and proactive development. We, as a Nation, also embrace the possibility of each of us individually being changed for the better.

It is easy to say “Obama is great,” Obama is the change we need.” These statements are true. AND it is not Obama, the man that is the force within the change. It is the principles, beliefs, and energy that Obama embodies. Those very same principles, beliefs, and energies are in each of us as well. Whether or not we are aware of any of it within us, we continually are reminded of its existence when we see him, hear him, or even see or speak his name.

Our vote was the first step. Our next step, individually and collectively is to proactively consider participating in all the many ways of setting aside the habitual, familiar disheartened fear so well fed over the past nearly decade. It is an old pattern, well practiced, and valid in many respects. This kind of change is not easy, simple, nor quick. Yet it is the kind of change that is being called forth by the very fact of the election of new presidency. Our vote also cast a vote for the faith in our inner resources to step forth in a new way, a fresh way, a way seasoned with Hope and Possibility.

Always when something of value has entered our lives we have different emotions arise regarding its longevity and sustainability. The old habit is to immediately fear; to fear the loss of one whom has brought us out of trance, instilled the seeds of Hope, and opened our eyes and perhaps our hearts to the possibility of connection as family, community, and nation.

When the old ways of thinking rise, -perhaps being fearful for the safety of Obama- whether in our own minds or in conversations with others, let us stop and remember our vote, recall the Hope planted within us, the desire for fresh new ways, and turn that rising energy immediately to thoughts of goodness, prayer, supportive positive attitude In all ways regarding this incredible threshold on which we now stand.

Let’s help each other remember our vote; that is was a vote not for a man, but for a new way of life in which we can each actively welcome, participate, and embody.

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