Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What is 'memory'?

Spending time two days in a row with cousins with whom I have spent little time in this life. In the conversation, the shared time, there is some underlying vibration of connection that resounds deeply. Fascinating.
As I sat with Cousin Kat, repeatedly seeing glimpses of expression and body language that recalled familiarity, recognition, resonance. We had seen one another perhaps a dozen or so times in our childhood; brief, yet apparent significant visits til we were 12 years old. She, 3 months older than I, felt the quake of the immediate and permanent separation that descended upon our childhood lives unexpectedly as I did; to the core.
For years we had no idea where the other was, until only 1 year and half ago when we (7 cousins total) from 4 different disconnected realms of lives) found one another and began reconnecting.
Experiencing the time together yesterday was a continual thread of connection. This called Sunny was meeting an aspect of Self; eye to eye, Heart to Heart, and welcoming the meeting. The longing that had been identified as 'missing' the cousin, was met in the moments of connecting to the Essential Being embodied in Cousin!
And so the Journey continues......
Being Love,
Love Being,

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