Grandson Dawn

Grandson Dawn

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Nothin' special........

I've been arguing about Love
for quite a long time now
We toss this word around
as though its in our back pocket
Like we have known it to its depths
since our crib days

I argue
we don't know what we are talking about
and when we talk about it
how we talk about it takes us
in the exact opposite direction
of that which we want to be going toward.

I argue
even when i sign off emails
with 'love' in all caps
like its something special
cuz I want to point to something
that has substance
that I can give my full weight to
that I can lean on
and give some to you
and I miss the point
every time

I argue
there is nothing
that we can name
and have it be real
it is by far better
to not speak of that which is dear
to our hearts
for it remains in its pristine
state of our emotional body
the energetic field of our knowing
the FEELING of it
in our body

I argue that any words
about god or religion
or spirituality
are signs
leading us astray
from the very fact
of what is right HERE

I argue that we've been
barking up the wrong basket of eggs
I argue that we have devoted
to the very thing
that takes us away from
what is HERE
no matter when we call it.

I argue
that we are nothing special
as long as we think
we are, or arent.
and the special is HERE
right inside our skin
but not our skin
but with no name
or shape or form

I argue
until HERE
until NOW.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Late Winter, Looking for Springs arising......

I want to Fall in Love
And so I Am
Walking hand in hand with Life
In the company of Hearts
Who know only their own song
Singing with voices
That have been singing all along
Though many may have spent
Years beneath the bushel
NOW each voice shines
in its own tone
and vibrancy!
How can one NOT fall in Love?
How can One not feel the arising
Of Springs thrust
Like the Egyptian Peoples uprising
We shall not be denied!!
THIS shall not be denied.
This Heart is ripe
For Fullness
Hungering for Unity's Embrace
I want to FALL in LOVE
Who is willing to enter?
Who is willing to step to the music?
The Pulse of Life
Rocks the Beat
Do I Dare?
How can I not?
Who says i haven't?
Do not presume
This means I am Happy
Do not assume this means
I am 'up'.
I am in the depths of anguish
The Ache of Separation
From the Beloved,
Source, Existence, LIFE!
Every morning I awaken
Dread pins me to the bed
The longing for Pillow talk
With the Beloved
I want to Fall in Love.
Revealing the splendor
of Unity expressed
Moment by Moment.
Locked in an unending Embrace
Never ending
and totally Free.
I want to Fall in Love
with THIS,
Source, Unity,
Life itself
in all its wonder.